What is

ALIA – Alicante Investment Agency is the name given to the investment promotion agency of the city of Alicante, promoted by the Local Development Agency (ADL) of the Alicante City Council.

Its main task is to search for and attract national and international investment, both potential new investors, and also companies that already operate in Spain or in the area of Alicante, which are considering possible reinvestment or expanding on their existing activities.

Service portfolio

ALIA has a service portfolio available that focuses on attracting, welcoming and assisting strategic business or entrepreneurial projects, national and/or international, which are interested in investing in Alicante. To this end, it works from and for the creation of synergies, providing support and collaboration, both on an internal and also external level.

Legislation and establishment

ALIA provides assistance with the legal procedures that companies might need to carry out to be able to set up their business centre in Alicante.

Financial reports and business opportunities

Writing reports, assessments, surveys and studies aimed at opening up new lines of business and to contribute to making the investment efficient and profitable.

Location scouting

ALIA has agents that search for and locate places where companies can set up their business centre, which are always in accordance with their needs and their line of business.

Recruiting & Global Mobility

The agency gets actively involved in companies that need to carry out, to a greater or lesser extent, staff relocation processes. It also gives advice and support to set up and start the staff recruitment processes.

Financing and incentives

ALIA provides information and advice based on the identified needs, opportunities and the new developments in financing and taxation; it also provides assistance with incentives and grants from public authorities, organisations and private entities.

Tax system and corporate tax

All the companies established in Spain must comply with the tax system, and it is up to ALIA to provide the necessary assistance, information and advice so that they stay up-to-date with the payment of the corresponding taxes

Intellectual and industrial property

For newly launched companies and projects in Alicante, or businesses which are interested in setting up in the city, it gives the appropriate advice in relation to intellectual and industrial property, and at the same time, it works with intellectual and industrial property experts.

Agenda organisation and customised services

ALIA takes care of the management, organisation and the follow-up of events, meetings and visits, as well as all kinds of business activities that are of interest to companies. Furthermore, it works with partners and institutions to start up the business, bearing in mind the regulatory processes, logistics, commercial operations or any other kind of procedure.

Investment dashboard

ALIA identifies the key indicators of the city that are of key interest for attracting talent as well as investments and for the analysis of its economic, demographic or social position as differentiating factors of Alicante with respect to other territories.

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Tax benefits for new companies

Alicante has a range of tax benefits available for companies that decide to set up and develop their business activities in the province:

Impuesto de Actividades Económicas (IAE) (Corporate Tax)

Exemptions and allowances of up to 50% for:

  • Companies that start up their business activities and pay the minimum tax rate.
  • Companies that start up their business activities and are declared to be of Special interest to the city council.
  • Companies that expand on their workforce with permanent employment contracts.

Impuesto de Bienes Inmuebles (IBI) (Property Tax)

  • General reduction of 5% on the tax liability.
  • Tax relief of up to 95% for newly-created companies, which have been declared to be of special interest to the city council and companies that set up solar or thermal energy systems.

Impuesto de Construcciones, Instalaciones y Obras (ICIO) (Tax on any building, installation or other construction work)

  • Tax relief of up to 95% for construction work carried out to set up new companies that are declared to be of special interest or use to the city council, and to set up the solar or thermal energy systems.

Impuesto sobre Vehículos de Tracción Mecánica (IVTM) (Road Tax)

  • Tax relief of up to 75% in the first year for electric vehicles, fuel-efficient and/or low carbon footprint vehicles.
  • 5% reduction on the tax rate for trucks and trailers.

Soft Landing

Information, assistance and effectiveness. These are the keys of the “soft landing” service launched by ALIA, which streamlines the groundwork and procedures for companies that come to Alicante so that they can start up their business activities in 48 hours.

  • Assistance with paperwork
  • Tools to speed up administrative procedures
    • Start up your company in 48 hours
    • Assistance from a specialist at all times
    • Information about new market opportunities
    • Financing, corporate housing and subsidies
    • Information about industrial land
    • Information about innovative entrepreneurship and participation in European projects
  • Practical information about making investment
    • Taxes
    • Immigration
    • Bank information
    • Employment policy
    • Assistance for foreign investment

Governance and Institutions

Alicante City Council

The Alicante City Council is the institution that is in charge of the government and administration of the city and for providing it with services. On a municipal level, its functions include governing areas such as Economic Affairs and Finance, Consumption, Health, Employment, Public Works and Buildings, Emerging Technologies and Urban development, to name but a few.

Alicante Provincial Council

The Alicante Provincial Council represents all the municipalities in the Alicante province, with a higher degree of intervention and operations in the towns that don’t have their own town hall. Its competences include Public works, Buildings and Economic Development, Contracting, Sports, Culture, Equality and Infrastructures.

Casa Mediterráneo

This public consortium defines itself in its website as being a “public diplomacy instrument” whose main objective is to promote mutual knowledge and to bring Spain and the other Mediterranean countries closer together in different areas such as culture, economy, climate change, gender equality or scientific and technological innovation.

EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office)

The EUIPO is the Intellectual Property Office of the European Union that is in charge of managing registered EU trademarks, designs and utility models. It also works with the intellectual property offices of the EU member states and with international partners to standardise the registration process of trademarks, designs and utility models for European users and the rest of the world.

Security and stability

Alicante, as a Spanish region, comes under the national and European legal framework, which therefore guarantees the security of companies (and the protection of their interests) in a free market environment.

The ordinary court system has an arbitration and mediation service available; it focuses on the settlement of disputes in any business operation, which is always binding and enforceable.


Plaza Calvo Sotelo, 1
Alicante 03001
Tel. 965 217 060


Rambla Méndez Núñez 28-32
Alicante 03002
Tel. 965 216 022


C/ Pintor Velázquez, 32
Alicante 03004
Tel. 965 227 605


C/ Los Álamos, 26
San Juan de Alicante 03550
Tel. 965 655 594


Explanada de España, 1
Alicante 03002
Tel. 965 929 147


Ctra. de Madrid Km4
Alicante 03007
Tel. 965 107 485


C/ Reyes Católicos, 31
Alicante 03003
Tel. 659 520 458


Av. Benito Pérez Galdós, 9-11
Alicante 03004
Tel. 965 141 133


Plaza Calvo Sotelo, 3
Alicante 03001
Tel. 965 207 938


C/ Juan Bautista Lafora, 3
Alicante 03002
Tel. 965 205 333


Av. Óscar Esplá, 4
Alicante 03003
Tel. 965 135 205


C/ Duque Zaragoza, 4
Alicante 03002
Tel. 965 213 533


C/ Mayor, 23
Pilar de la Horadada 03190
Tel. 966 766 412


Calle Pal, 1
Benidorm 03500
Tel. 965 852 107


Rambla Méndez Núñez, 44
Alicante 03002
Tel. 865 680 042


C/ Virgen del Socorro, 50
Alicante 03001
Tel. 965 151 897

The foreign companies that want to grow in our region access the Spanish financial system in exactly the same conditions as the national companies. There are branches of major financial institutions in Alicante, which are all members of the International Bank Association, and international consultancy offices.

+ info in www.guiaval.com
Source: Guiaval · Bancos y oficinas financieras en Alicante

Results of the ECB stress test

Net impact of the adverse scenario on the CET 1% per country
