The City Council has submitted to the Department of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility a proposal to increase the current surface area of the industrial park (1.2 million meters), and to be able to offer industrial land both to companies already established with expansion projects, as well as to newly established companies.
The project is promoted by the Local Development Agency, chaired by María Del Carmen de España, and the city’s Town Planning Department. Las Atalayas has more than 250 registered companies, employing more than 7,000 people and generating an overall turnover of approximately 1,700 million euros.
As stated in the news published in Alicante Plaza, there is currently a proven demand for land by more than ten companies already established in the industrial park with an interest in increasing their facilities.
The proposal for reclassification of land processed from the Department of Urban Planning involves a specific modification of the PGMO 1987, through a decree, which raises the reconsideration of the urban cataloging of small portions of land located on the edge of the current enclosure in order to put into service new land of an industrial nature.
On the one hand, it includes the delimitation of three new industrial development zones (ZND-IN) and their classification as land for development, which complete the Industrial Park and make possible both a new access to the industrial park and the landscape improvement of the edges of the urban environment.
Following the nomenclature of the PGMO 1987 in force, the following sectors of land for development are delimited with this specific modification: -PAU-6 Atalayas SUR, PAU-7 Atalayas ESTE and PAU-8 Bacarot. The reclassification of these soils will allow, with charge to them, to provide the industrial estate with a second access from the Ocaña road, without having to access local traffic flows to the regional road A-31. It is also proposed to classify as urban land two pockets of existing land that are highly consolidated by industrial-type buildings.